BirchBox The Every Girl Box
August 2014
As of recently BirchBox has introduced us to some changes. We not get to pick an item that we will receive or an entire box. We can have no surprise or little surprise. It seems most of the subscription boxes are going in this direction. It seems to eliminate the suspense and excitement. I don't know how many more BirchBoxes I will take but you just can't beat their point system. A lot of the products just do not appeal to me. I am more of an ipsy kind of girl and like to receive new make up in bright colors. My BirchBoxes seem to just be strange beauty products and brands that I have not heard of. I told my self I would just try the items I received but they smell so strange but maybe I will give it a go.

So I chose the Every Girl box mainly for the benefit liner. I wanted to have a travel size to take on trips! I have so much make up that any extra room I can create for more products is appreciated. The only problem... IT IS SO TINY!!! This has to be the smallest eyeliner I have EVER seen. No joke and not an exaggeration. The liner is probably good for one eye! I also loved the smell of the Prince Harvey Hello fragrance! I got that in last months box and fell in love. When I am out of samples I will be buying the full size! It is such a nice floral, feminine, and light scent! Below are the pictures of my items in the Every Girl Box! I am not going in to the details but I will show a picture at the end of the details and pricing for the products included in this box.
What is inside?
A closer look...
The Prince Harvey Hello sample
The Benefit They're Real Push up Liner
(so tiny!)
N4 Hair Product
Acure Facial Scrub
(smells like medicine)
Radio soap/bubble bath
I may try this ...
smells kind of alright....
And all of the product details!!!
You know what I am going to do... I will try those soaps and hair products and let you know how it goes... I am skeptical of strange soaps and lotions but I will give it a whirl!
Thanks for reading!
Have a nice weekend!
xOxO Tanya